Last Day

Avery and I will be going to the airport in just a couple hours to start the long journey home. Toddlers on long haul flights are… fun. We went for our last swim and played outside with some bubbles to make sure this little one is tired enough to sleep most of the flight. But just in case she stays awake I have plenty of activities to keep her busy: shows and games on the iPad, a brand new colouring activity set, and snacks.
Our holiday has come to and end and we’re sad to leave, but we are so excited to get home and see all the loved ones we’ve missed so much.

Here are a few final snaps from this side of the pond:

Kyla x 

Holiday Update

Hello, everyone! Still having a great time away in the sunshine (although sometimes it feels like I’m walking on the sun). We’ll be home in a week where life will resume as normal, but at least I’ll have my husband home. Happy days 😊

Here are a few favourite snaps:

Grandma Paca
Grandpa & Avery

Kyla x

Father’s Day

I get to spend Father’s Day with my daddy this weekend. I haven’t been able to do that in a while. We have a lot of laughs together and it’s funny to see him tease and play with Avery just like he did (and still does) with me.

I took these pictures last night, and surprisingly they weren’t even posed! I just caught him waiting for a fish to tug on his line, and caught him giggling at something I can’t even remember. For an old man he’s got a nice smile, and even all his own teeth! (Knowing him if he reads this he’ll think of a backhanded compliment for me too!)

He’s been a pilot his whole life and is retiring next year. He loves his job and I think it’s going to be a big adjustment. I have always appreciated being able to fly here and there when I want to because of him.

Thank you, daddy!


Kyla x 


I love natural light. I think it’s one of my “things”, like a trait that will be seen in all my future pictures. I’ve never been a fan of flash but if it’s necessary then of course I’ll use it. Avery has been my (only) model to practice a little with some indoor natural light. Luckily I have some lovely big windows to work with over here, and a balcony too!

Also, since Avery is an unwilling model, I have been practicing with some natural, candid poses. This kid will say “cheese” but she’ll have her back to the camera and walk away. It tests my patience, but in a good way. Now I can stay committed to getting some good images instead of giving up because she won’t look at me. Looking and grinning isn’t Avery; being a toddler is Avery.


Kyla x

We’re all going on a Summer Holiday

Avery and I are going away to the states to visit some family for a couple weeks. Can’t wait to shop, chill, and fill my face with all my favourite food!

I can’t forget to mention that I’m looking forward to having a different backdrop for pictures. I want to come home with a memory card full of images just for me, but of course I will share my very favourites!

After our holiday it’ll be all go the rest of the summer: my father-in-law’s 60th birthday BBQ, visit from family from the states, close friend’s wedding, nephew’s 1st birthday, my first wedding photography gig at the end of July, 4th wedding anniversary with my husband, Avery’s 2nd birthday, and another wedding! So many photo opportunities, how ever will I cope? I will just have to bombard you all with picture after picture until you’re all fed up of me 😉


Kyla x

College, Year One

As of Friday I finished college for summer. And I passed, including an A for my graded unit. I am beyond happy that I did so well considering I felt like I struggled a bit the past few months. 

Going to college was the best idea I’ve ever had and I’m so grateful that I can study what I love. I’ve made some amazing friends this year and I can’t wait to continue the journey with them next year.

Here are some of my highlights from the past year (apologies for the quality of some):




Kyla x 

The Other Side

I got to be on the other side of the camera today. Avery and I helped a friend from college, Craig, who needed some family portraits done to complete a unit. It was nice to have a kind of “mummy and me” session since I’m always the one taking the pictures.

It also put me on the other side of the camera in a way that I could feel what a potential client would feel like being on the other side. It felt odd like I didn’t know what to do with myself so I just played with Avery because that felt right. For my future clients, I want them to feel at ease with me taking pictures of them. Craig did a great job but I think it really helped that we already knew each other. I want to get to know my clients before I hover around them with a camera because it will help the images come out natural and avoid posed bodies and awkward faces. 

Being on the other side is weird but a lot of fun! Maybe I’ll do it again some time.

Here is a link to Craig’s photography Facebook page. Check him out!

Kyla x

Making Time

So today I finally got out with my camera to take some pictures that weren’t required for college or anything else. Just for me! I took my daughter to a park to have some fun since my husband has gone offshore (for who knows how long) so it was a good distraction. I just took my camera with my 50mm lens (risky with a toddler running around but it’s my favourite) and let her run free. I captured her having fun, playing with leaves and sticks, and just being herself. I had no expectations of even getting anything decent, I just wanted to play around. No need to dress her up or panick about the mud because it was just a kid being a kid exploring the outdoors.

Finding time to take pictures just for me has been difficult lately with college and managing Avery while Ben has been away so much the past few months so it felt great to get out again with no pressure behind it. College is almost finished for the summer so I can’t wait to get out some more and do what I love. 


Kyla x